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junior school 〔美國〕小學。

junior varsity

Friend - making on the cyber has become an important form to make friends among junior school students . most students ( 54 . 9 % ) have 4 to 6 cyberfriends 在交網友的數量上,大多數( 54 . 9 )有4到6個,而上網者與網友交流時間大多每周4到6小時。

On april 3 , dozens of students from grade 1 , junior school and tens from senior school will take part in the english oral competition sponsored by wto committee 4月3日,我校初一的五十多名學生和高中的十三名學生一起參加迎世博口語大賽

The putonghua teaching content of normal academies needs making greater adjustment and should be linked up with the oral communilation teaching of junior schools 師范院校的普通話教學內容要做較大調整,要與中學口語交際教學相銜接。

[ abstract ] recently , the junior school - accident - cases are often reported by all kinds of news units and have become one of social focuses widely noticed 近年來未成年人校園傷害案件頻頻見諸各媒體之端,成為普遍關注的社會熱點問題。

This research involved two experiments , using 2x2 between subjects factorial design . the subjects were junior school students in grade twro 本研究包括兩個實驗,均采用2x2兩因素被試間完全隨機設計,均用初中二年級學生作被試。

The investigation shows that 78 . 7 percent of the junior school students have chatted on the cyber and have at least one cyberfriend 本研究發現,有78 . 7的學生在網上聊過天,有至少一個網友,網上交友已成為初中生交往的重要形式。

Recently , the junior school - accident - cases are often reported by all kinds of news units and have become one of social focuses widely noticed 近年來未成年人校園傷害案件頻頻見諸各媒體之端,成為普遍關注的社會熱點問題。

The samples consist of students from 10 classes in 5 grades from grade 2 of junior school to grade 3 of senior school 利用本問卷對桂林市有代表性的學校進行調查,調查對象來自初二到高三五個年級的10個班級。

The vocational education should be offered to all the juniors because most of them can “ t receive the post - junior school ecucstion 多數學生不能接受初中后教育決定了富順農村的職業教育應該在初中開展。

In the last part , it describes the experimental research on olld in biology class teaching in junior school 最后,對初中生物課堂教學中“目標?分層?導學”的有效性進行了實驗研究。

In feb . 2001 , all employees in t w electronics donated 300 000 to construct a t w hope junior school in xishui , guaizhui province 1997年6月,同維電子內部報刊同維之聲創刊

Methods a total of 550 students in 4 junior schools were sampled with multistage sampling and surveyed 方法通過多級隨機抽樣抽取濟南市4所初中550名初一學生,采用問卷調查。

Part v analyzing how to effectively evaluate the policy of the research curriculum of rural junior school 第五部分主要探討了農村初中研究型課程的有效評價策略問題。

Trends of elt reform in junior school : eyes from the changes of the english tests for senior school entrance 從近年來中考英語試題的變化看初中英語教學改革的趨勢。

Research on relationship between achievement motivation and learning performance of students in grade three of junior school 初三學生成就動機與學業成績的關系研究

Mother : but your just junior school student does not shut your present identity in the office now , so no 媽:可是現在你才國中生不府合你現在的身分,所以不要!

At present , 2 primary and junior schools in keqiao have been qualified to enroll foreign students 目前,柯橋已有2所涉外定點中小學校,有資格招收外籍學生。

Research on improving scores of p . e . tests of the entrance examination to high schools among junior school graduates 提高初中畢業生中考體育加試成績的研究

A brief exploration of the development of underachievers ' non - intellectual factors in junior school english teaching 開發初中英語后進生非智力因素初探